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Physical Activity

Signposting to policy, evidence and tools

The Evidence Base

Title and description Published by
Sport England market segmentation
Sport England has developed nineteen sporting segments to help us understand the nations’ attitudes and motivations – why they play sport and why they don’t. The segments provide the knowledge to influence people to take part. This work is part of Sport England’s drive to get two million people doing more sport by 2012.
Sport England
Choosing Health: A briefing on nutrition, physical activity and obesity in London PDF
A 12 page briefing.
London Health Observatory
Lifestyle and Behaviour – Physical Activity
Compiled by the London Healthy Observatory, this resource presents the evidence base on physical activity, including its role as a determinant of health and current levels of activity among children and adults. Data sets presented include some data at a London level.
London Health Observatory
LEAP: final report on the national evaluation of the Local Exercise Action Pilots PDF
Evaluation and key lessons from these pilot projects which aimed to identify the most effective interventions to get people to take regular physical exercise
Department of Health
The Active People Survey PDF
Now conducted annually until 2010, the Active People Survey is the largest ever survey of sport and active recreation to be undertaken in Europe. The survey provides by far the largest sample size ever established for a sport and recreation survey and will allow levels of detailed analysis previously unavailable. It identifies how participation varies from place to place and between different groups in the population.
Sport England
At least 5 a week: evidence on the impact of physical activity and its relationship to health PDF
This document is particularly aimed at the NHS, specifically public health and Primary Care Trusts. The report sets out the latest research evidence of the benefits of physical activity for health. The document is aimed at those concerned with formulating and implementing policies or programmes that utilise the promotion of physical activity, sport, exercise and active travel to achieve health gain.
Department of Health
Sport England: Evaluating Impact
Sport England has prepared two guidance documents on evaluation – one on using the lessons from the Active England programme to help design interventions and one on measuring the impact of interventions.
YMCA England
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