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Youth, health and happiness: Engaging and working with young people to boost health and well-being

1.00 – 5.00pm, including delicious lunch
London’s Living Room, City Hall, London SE1 2AA

What was it about?

This fun, informal event shared stories, advice and learning from projects working to boost youth engagement and well-being across London. It was a great opportunity to get top tips, tools and techniques for working with young people from young people. Delegates also caught up with old friends, met new people and got up to date with new projects, plans and policies.

Workshops included: 'challenging perceptions', 'how do we get young people through the door?' and ‘how can we create youth-centred projects?'



  • Learn how we can increase linkages between research, policy and practice to improve life chances for young people
  • Get up to date on why work with young people, health and well-being matters
  • Discover the latest top tips, tools and techniques on how to engage and work with young people by young people including updates from Well London's and GLA'sYou're Welcome pilot programme


  • James Cleverly, Mayor's Ambassador for Youth and London Assembly Member
  • Well London Young Ambassador representatives
  • Mayors' Young people's Peer Outreach members

as well as exciting performances and touching poetry from recent youth projects ...

Workshop notes

Further resources

Please contact Jude 020 7234 9405 if you need more information.

All in all, this event was a huge success with participants eager to here details of the next planned WellNet event.

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