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The Framework


Well London provides a framework for communities and local organisations to work together to improve health and well-being, build resilience and reduce inequalities. Our approach engages the most disadvantaged communities and empowers people to:

• build their individual and community capacity for health, well-being and resilience.

• engage, shape and take action on specific health and well-being needs and issues.

Importantly, Well London integrates with and adds value to what is already going on locally to maximize resources and ensure value for money. The Well London framework comprises two types of activities:

1. Community Capacity Building activities and resources for all neighbourhoods.

2. Action on specific local needs and issues is taken forward through a portfolio of themed activities and projects. These are determined by the needs and issues identified by each community through the CEAD process. These can include, for example: local action to improve healthy eating, physical activity, mental health, local environments and cultural and arts activity.

Processes that stimulate on going community engagement, grow participation, volunteering, community networks and community cohesion are built into all Well London activities.

This is an Animalcarpet site, Design by Lakesneil