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Local Coordinators

The Local Coordinator plays a key role in driving implementation of the Well London programme in each of the target neighbourhoods, ensuring community engagement and ownership in the development, delivery and evaluation of all elements of the programme. Coordinators have strong community engagement and development skills and deliver a range of key tasks, including:

• Ensuring effective community engagement, participation, empowerment and leadership in the local Well London programme.

• Enabling local people to identify and take action on their individual and collective perceived needs, to develop their ideas, take them forward and build their knowledge, skills, confidence and self and community esteem.

• Building strong and productive relationships and partnerships with, and between, local people and local organisations.

• Recruiting, develop and support the local Well London Volunteer Delivery Team and Young Leaders.

• Supporting commissioning, development and delivery of the local themed projects ensuring they respond to and meet the community perceived needs in the target area as identified through the CEAD process.

• Ensuring effective local communications about the Well London programme and other local activities and services.

• Identifying and taking advantage of new opportunities for the area.

• Ensuring robust programme management and evaluation; producing regular progress reports for the Local Advisory and Steering Groups and data returns to the Well Communities Support Team. Induction training and on going advice and support for Local Coordinators is provided by the Well Communities Support Team at the Institute for Health and Human Development. Local Coordinators from across London also meet regularly to network and share good practice and learning.

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